Been too lazy to update these past few days. Probably because I've been busy raya-ing haha. Went to Sarawak to visit relatives on Monday till Wednesday. Will post pictures later as they are not with me. Just finished showering. Terence, Nik and Jie Sheng came over today. Played Guitar Hero, went pyramid to play pool and then went back home and played fireworks.
some pictures from my cousins fb;
System of a Down is an awesome band. I absolutely love the lead singer and their enthusiasm.
Sorry I haven't been updating this past few days. I couldn't as my internet was out. Thanks Cynthia for helping me update (:
I'll start with yesterday. Went to pyramid because Derar is going back to Syria on Monday. Last time to hang out with him. I wanna talk abit about him. He can be fucking annoying at times but I got used to it. He's my shisha buddy. I'll always remember all the times we spent. Good and bad. At least you'll still be able to come here during the holidays. Till we meet again, I'm gonna insult you one last time you middle eastern, camel fucking suicide bomber. I'm gonna fucking miss you.Bring me back something from Syria!
Everyone hates you. You're possibly the most annoying teacher in the school. You are just so fake. With your bloody annoying accent and your extremely oily face. You suck up to all the other teachers. That's why everyone calls you a dog.
The name is Mahathir Jeffery. Studying at Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary. 15 this year. Lamb of God is my all time favourite band, followed by Avenged Sevenfold. The best fucking drummer you'll ever find. I also play guitar and piano. ;)